Writings From Outside the Circle

A place where the thoughts that populate my mind can flow into the outside world...

Friday, November 04, 2005

A little bit about me...

Hmm...a little bit about me. Where should I begin? As one of the characters in Huxley's "Brave New World" said, I guess I'll "begin at the beginning."

Right now, I'm sitting here in my folks' house in a Midwestern town working on my mom's laptop. It's a Dell 5100 series, and seems to be a decent machine. The only thing that's not enjoyable about working on it is that my fingertips sometimes catch on keys adjacent to those I press.

A couple of hours ago, I got home from work. My full-time gig now is working as the education reporter for this town's daily newspaper. It has a circulation of about 5,000, and is published six days a week. I've been here for just over two months now, and the job seems like it's working out pretty well so far. It feels like I'm really having an opportunity to use skills that I picked up as a student journalist and as a professional freelancer, and it's also given me new confidence in my ability to produce stories quickly. Extra confidence, so long as it's not overconfidence or arrogance, is good, right?

Other than that, I'm still doing some Web design for the university where I earned bachelor's and master's degrees in journalism. The other big project in which I've been involved is writing the biography of a benefactor of the university. I've been working on the book since April of 2004 (at the same time I was completing the first three chapters of my thesis), and the work on it is nearly complete. Writing the book has been quite a professional challenge, but I think that it has helped provide me with a decent skillset for writing other books in the future.

What do I like to do for fun, you may ask? Lots of things, in fact. Like my taste in music, the things I like to do in my leisure time are quite eclectic. That is, of course, when I allow myself to take advantage of leisure time.

Since I've already mentioned it, music is obviously a big interest of mine. It seems like it's always been an important part of my life in one form or another. I like listening to a wide variety of music (even though I've been on a progressive rock kick as of late), but I enjoy playing music even more. I started out as a singer when I was very young, then switched to piano, and have now been playing drums and percussion for nearly 19 years. Simply put, I can't imagine what a life without music would be like.

Cars are something else that's always interested me. I'm not really sure where the interest comes from or how my tastes in cars developed, but there's no question that I really like cars. It's fun to read about them, work on them, detail them, and of course drive them. Driving on the streets is fun, but I've learned lately that it's most fun to drive cars competitively in events like SCCA Solo II autocrossing.

Computers and related technology have also held my interest for a long time. Again, I'm not sure what it is that I like about computers, but it's something that I've always been drawn to. Of course, I'm naturally a geek, so that may have something to do that. But beyond that, computers have always been tools that I've found useful, and I've also gotten a lot of satisfaction from learning how they work and how to fix them when they break down.

It's been a long day already, and I'm starting to run out of energy. With that said, I'm probably going to stop here and then talk about my other interests sometime soon. Hopefully this weekend will be good and relaxing, and will afford opportunities for me to add to this new blog and partake of some of the interests that I've mentioned.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you sure you're talking about Huxley's "Brave New World," and not the song by Styx?

6:53 PM  

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