Writings From Outside the Circle

A place where the thoughts that populate my mind can flow into the outside world...

Sunday, November 06, 2005

A friend's book about spirituality

A few days ago, I met with a couple of friends with whom I used to work when I was employed by the South Dakota Cooperative Extension Service. We usually get together for lunch at least every couple of weeks, although we've met more frequently lately. We've been good friends for some time now, and the fact that all three of us are only children is one of the bonds that's brought us together.

While we were visiting before our food arrived, one of my two friends produced two copies of the manuscript of a book she's been working on over the past year or so. She's always had an interest in spirituality, and she's put together a book on what she refers to as "new spirituality," and it addresses thoughts on what God is, what the universe is, what karma is, and so on.

I haven't read the complete manuscript yet, but in the 2/3 or so if it that I've already read, I've been blown away. This book that my friend has written encapsulates a lot of my beliefs and understandings of spirituality and the nature of the universe. Some of those beliefs and understanding come from my upbringing, but many of them stem from what I've learned from others and from my own experiences through this spiritual path that I'm on now. The manuscript has been a lot of fun to read so far, and I hope that my friend is able to get it published. There's no pretense to it whatsoever, and I feel that it's very clear and well-written in its presentation. Although the book that I'm wrapping up is about a different subject altogether, I hope that it can be at least as understandable and enjoyable.

That's about all I feel that I can say right now, so I think I'll conclude this entry for now. I may feel like writing more as the day goes on, but for now, I'm content with this.


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